As such, it hurts me to say that from here on out, this blog will serve as an archive, but will no longer host new content. I truly appreciate what I’ve built with this blog and the sense of community that has come with it. In some search to feel whole, I created Chubby Guy Swag as a resource for validation for me and others in so doing, I overlooked the real root of my feelings of malaise that had been lurking in the back of my mind. I realize now that much of my relationship to my body, including embracing the body positive community, stems from those issues under the surface.
This comes from years of feeling pressure to present as something that I’m not leading to feelings of body and gender dysphoria. This has been something I’ve been feeling and grappling with for several years and for the sake of my happiness, I’ve decided to move forward with my truth. As some of you may have seen on my personal Tumblr and in socials, I have recently come out as non-binary / trans femme.